Natural ways to straighten your hair easily


straighten your hair easily at home

For those of us blessed with curly or wavy hair, we constantly wonder how to get silky straight hair. It’s adaptable, it’s manageable and lends itself to various different hairstyles. The problem is, without subjecting our hair to heavy chemical treatments, running to the salon for a blow-dry or straightening it with an iron every day, we can’t achieve this.home remedies for straight hair show you how to get straight hair naturally, and avoid damaging it in the process.

Straighten Hair Naturally At Home Within 20 minutes

Egg and olive oil work wonders to nourish your hair and make it strong. But did you also know that they can straighten your hair.However, milk has proven to be an excellent natural straightener. Rich in protein, milk smoothes out your hair and fortifies the hair shaft.

Permanent hair straightening at home

Aloe vera is choc-a-bloc with enzymes that promote hair growth and keep your hair soft and smooth. It also penetrates the hair, moisturizing it thoroughly, reducing the chance of frizz or curls.if you mix it with coconut milk, it gets the benefit of the creamy milk, which acts as a conditioner. Apply this mixture on the strands of your hair and then wash it out with lukewarm water.


However, milk has proven to be an excellent natural straightener. Rich in protein, milk smoothes out your hair and fortifies the hair shaft. Mix milk with two tablespoons of honey.